Images of the World
Educational Fund

Tax-deductable donations to our Educational Fund offers the chance to positively impact the lives of perhaps a million students across the nation over the next decade.

We seek your partnership in helping ignite student interest in social studies, science, geography, history, art, reading, writing, healthy lifestyle choices, and goal setting.

You can help now!

Donation Form

Schools want more programs.

We have the energy to do more programs.

We need help to pay for the programs.

Our mission is to promote cultural and ethnic understanding, global awareness, environmental education and stewardship, intellectual and artistic curiosity, healthy lifestyle choices, and to encourage others to realize their own goals and dreams in life!
Our programs make a huge impact on students--sometimes life changing!
Due to budget cuts we no longer do programs in inner city schools, or in economically challenged neighborhoods, districts, and towns that previously had us present every year. We don’t want to only give programs to students in affluent suburbs with well-financed PTA’s.

Educational Fund

Our Scholarship Fund helps students in financially struggling schools experience our programs. $16 makes it possible for a classroom to see our show. $1000 will bring a program to 1700 students (more than three schools).

  Our China / 21st Century Fund--This fund helps with the creation our latest program on China, and also upgrading office and photography equipment. After 15 years, and driving to over 2,0000 schools, our old RV expired in Dec 2011 at 309,000 miles. We start our 2012 tour in a newer used RV, that will hopefully last just as long.

Donation Form

Our Educational Fund is set up under the umbrella of the Brande Foundation a 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 1987 by author and philanthropist Dave Ellis. The Brande Foundation will not charge anything for their services. Please be assured that one hundred percent of the contributions received for the Educational Fund will go toward one of the three options above.

Please call 605-348-3432 or email if you have any questions
regarding our Educational Fund.

All Photographs Copyright by IMAGES OF THE WORLD

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